Monday, August 6, 2012

#31 Olympic Rings

#31: Olympic Rings
Finished: 8/5/12
Techniques: Appliqué, Paper-piecing, Double Wedding Ring inspired
Size: 30 1/2" x 18"

Description:   My quilting group suggested the Olympics as a design for a mini-quilt and I loved the idea! A design based on the rings seemed the reasonable choice, but how to liven it up? I thought I would combine the Olympic rings with elements of a double wedding ring design. Double wedding rings are comprised of multiple fabrics, so that's how I created these rings. I created the circles on paper using different sized dinner plates and paper-pieced them together. I sewed a solid backing to each ring in the appropriate color for it, clipped the curves, and turned them right-side out, then appliquéd them to the white background.

The colors of the rings and the interweaving of them are consistent with the actual Olympic flag. The colors blue, black, red, yellow, green, as well as white, represent at least one color on every country's flag.

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